
Borderlands pre sequel ps4
Borderlands pre sequel ps4

borderlands pre sequel ps4

Now, one is coming to next-gen anyway, and I would guess the other will too at some point. The only time I've felt like I needed that now-absent console was to play last-gen only new releases like the Borderlands Pre-Sequel or Assassin's Creed: Rogue. Everyone told me I would regret trading in my Xbox 360 and the vast majority of its games for a Wii U, but I don't think I've regretted that decision once. Now that I'm fully invested in next-gen, I don't really miss my old consoles at all. I understand why people were sad about the lack of backward compatibility on new consoles, but on a day to day basis, I don't really miss it. Or maybe they're concerned that these devs are taking time away from working on other new projects to focus on these remasters instead.

borderlands pre sequel ps4


Perhaps they're upset that "backward compatibility" has been replaced by full-on re-makes of classic games, which are then resold for full price. It seems like kind of a strange thing to take issue with, given that I'm not sure who it's hurting when developers re-release games we already know are good with all bonus content included (as God intended). I've seen some pushback among fans recently who seem upset about the flood of re-releases on the market. Still, I think it's a solid package Gearbox has put together. Though I did find Borderlands 2 a bit too long and sprawling for its own good, and I've already beaten the vanilla game about three times, which makes a fourth run a bit daunting. I skipped the Pre-Sequel as by the time it came out, my last-gen consoles were in mothballs, and I never got around to the DLC of the original game, so this is pretty attractive.

Borderlands pre sequel ps4